My Port of Dover 2050 logoMy Port of Dover 2050


  • Stage 1: Introducing the Project

    Summer 2023




    Autumn 2023

    We’re kicking off the project by understanding the current operations and environment within and around the Port. From here we will start to consider the potential opportunities for, and constraints on, the Port’s future growth and development. During this phase we’ll be engaging with you, many of the Port users and customers, and we’d like to hear your memories and aspirations for the Port.
  • Stage 2: Options Development

    Autumn 2023




    Winter 2023-24

    As the plans begin to develop we’ll be seeking thoughts and feedback from you, and also our stakeholders with an interest in the operations and future of the Western Docks, Eastern Docks and around the Waterfront. Feedback will help to develop the full draft 2050 Plan.
  • Stage 3: Public Consultation

    Winter 2024




    Spring 2024

    Our period of public engagement will run for 6 weeks over February and March 2024! This is your opportunity to share your views and feedback on our ideas for change, outcomes and value drivers.
  • Stage 4: 2050 Plan Development

    Summer 2024




    In Progress

    We’ll review all of the feedback received and finalise our plan for the future. Through this process we’ll report back on how your feedback has influenced the development of our 2050 plan.
  • Stage 5: Launch of 2050 Plan

    September 2024





    We're delighted to launch 'Port of Dover 2050: Empower Exchange'. With the help of your input and feedback, we have developed a plan which has the power to unlock the full potential of the Port, facilitating a 20% increase in the value of trade handled to £173 billion